Friday, March 28, 2008

home sweet home

oh how i have missed the good ol us of a. my flight was awful though. I was feeling nauseous the whole way and right when I make it to DFW airport...threw up the very few things I ate on the plane. It felt so good to be home tho! Except that....

1) my phone doesnt work.
2) family wont let me drive my car. (needs 3 new tires, new brakes, etc.)
3) my freedom is gone :[
4) i have to wait for a slut to get fired so i can work again.
5) my eyes are still pink from sleeping in contacts.

welp you cant win em all.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

thit cho? khong an!

quail fav
sea cucumber...edible

...but I draw the line at dog meat! I just can't help but to think of my favorite childhood pets and the thought of eating their fellow doggians just grosses me out. I wish my cousins would stop pressuring me to try it. /shakes fist

Wow. Just when I thought I had Buddhism all figured out, they bust out with some crazy ceremony that puts me back to square one. Never thought 87 year old ladies could move like that...much less balance a flaming paper house on their head while chanting and dancing.

Ahh...I know I said I was going to give my hair a vacation, know...stuff over here is just so darn cheap! I went for a nice dark shade of purple. Took them twice to get it right, but I like the outcome. You can barely tell unless I'm out in the sun. Howcome no one liked my brown hair? :[ i liked it...

I still don't know how Status Quo got more votes than Kaba Modern...we all know mi dangs don't vote...hahah i keed.

Only three more days! Then it's back to business!

Thursday, March 20, 2008


i got a very much needed facial yesterday. feels so goot! looks a lot better too. they should really ask what's your pain tolerance first though. my massage lady almost broke my hand off. then she tried to drown me in seaweed. and i swear at one point she was just slapping my head. a very dangerous place...

hmm i think im going somewhere far on not sure where, but apparently they have cheap fabric! my mom and aunts sure know how to party. -_-

mom: why dont you wear your earrings anymore?

me: they hurt when i sleep.

mom: be careful when you wear your jewelry or carry your purse. gold/cash's value has gone up so many people steal the point where they would cut off your hand just for a ring!!

me: O.O

mom: (calmly) should wear your earrings they look nice.

you is crazy mom.

oh. my. gah. i want this bag SO much....but its $3000!! T.T hu hu hu...(sobbing in viet). if anyone would like for me to be their slave for eternity and has an extra 3 grand laying around...please contact me.

Monday, March 17, 2008

i heart you pepto bismol :D

im finally feeling better and its all thanks to you pepto! /hugs. ill never experiment with any other medicine again! i took some pepto today and it made my tummy happy. i wish i had the liquid kind tho. i actually like the taste of it...but not so much to eat pepto bismol ice cream i saw online. bleeh!

you know what i noticed? vietnamese people love to eat skin, bones, cartilage, and all the organs americans usually throw away. i miss meat. T.T wheres the nutrition?!

you know what else? viet people have horrible manners! yes thats right. i, kim, the messiest eater alive, is calling someone out. im talking about not closing your mouth while you chew. and whats worse?! they love to talk while they chew. yes yes i can see it all. yup thats the piece of cucumber you picked up..and yup thats the piece of fish you just tore off..and how could i miss the huge clod of rice thats preventing you from pronouncing your 'b's and your 'd's. ah yes...very attractive indeed.

but on the other hand! waaaa guess what i bought today?

ALO pandas! uh his head looks a bit funny there. hahah these will have to do until i can get my hands on some real sweets.

man this laptop is cool. it has a built-in camera. im tempted to take it to cafes here cuz they have free wifi at most places, but i dont feel safe lugging it around. /eyes hobos.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

i need...

sweets! ive been eating so freaking healthy here, but i need my occasional sugar fix. viet ppl sure dont know how to make desserts. i can put peanuts, sesame seeds, and gooey yellow stuff together and call it 'candy' too. they can perfect 38923971 types of fish sauce, but all the cakes tastes the same...stale and bland. they say i threw up so much yesterday cuz of my liver, but i know what was the real sugar! *dreams of cheesecake from cheesecake factory, girl scout cookies, caramel apple pops, paciugo gelato, molten chocolate cake from chilis, etc etc.* whoever happens to be with me when i come back to satisfy my cravings is going to see something amazing.

i dont know what makes a monk that loses his moped keys funny...but it is! poor guy was searching all over the temple for em.

at another temple i went to a while back...
some big event was going on and i was just standing around with my crew(family members). some verrrrry mentally retarded guy(see Opie from family guy...yes he looked just like him) comes by and asks us for money. my cousin gave him 2000d just to make him go away, but then he asked for 10000d instead. greedy bastard! my other (annoying and old) cousin had to open her big mouth and was like omg we already gave you some and your asking for more blah blah.....and POOOOFFFTTT! he spit right in her face. he spent the rest of the time chasing her around...good thing he didnt move too fast. hahah and my cousin was hiding from him the whole time. my mom started crying cuz she was laughing so hard. i was like man is effed up. hahha

so linh reads this too! /waves

Saturday, March 15, 2008


so i been feeling crappy all day. DO NOT ever wake me up by tickling me. EVER! i realized today that is my biggest pet peeve. chi phuong came into my room today to take me to eat breakfast and i was not feeling well. i need my sleep damnit! breakfast over here is around waking me up is fine but tickling? is that really necessary? so i woke up in a super bad mood, but i wasnt sure if it was because of that or because i was feeling light-headed. i just wanted to go home and sleep, but of course the moped had to break down after we ate. -_- finally we came home and i went straight to bed. slept from 9-1 ate a lil then continued sleeping 3-6. i thought i was just bloated and so i took some maalox. so thats what pure evil tastes like. i thought it was antigas but i started burping like crazy and there was a gross chalky aftertaste everytime! disgusting. then i my skin started feeling really sensitive to touch...thats how i usually know im sick. and yep...just threw up a while ago. i have no idea what i have but it sucks ass...

Friday, March 14, 2008

all wrong!

so i hate that im too nice sometimes...i end up with bad haircuts. so i really needed to trim my bangs, but i found noooo scissors in the house. madness! but my cousins husband works a salon so i asked if i could borrow his scissors sometime. "oh! he can cut it for you! dont worry!" dont worry eh? so yea...language barrier and bam! straight across bangs. x_x *flashbacks of second grade* its okayyy now that I fixed it...people tell me its cute but i think theyre just being nice hahah. a bit short but ive had worse. (hopefully vy can fix it.)

i also visited one of my cousins today. she just had a baby so i went to go met the little baby boy...or girl. im still not quite sure. argh! i cant do it! no matter how much i try to find babies and kids cute i just cant! my 'awwws' are so forced and my 'how cutes' are all over the place! i was just staring at it for a while. def not a baby person...imma be a horrible mom :[ kudos to people who can take care of babies tho! i envy you! kids are a bit easier for me, but this ONE chick thoughts on her get violent. shes about 8 or 9 now, but she was so adorable when she was 3! what the hell happened?! shes so annoying, never listens, and her VOICE! i think thats the reason i would cut off my leg just to have something to hit her with. her voice is so high and shrill and her tones are just ahhhhh!!! and lets face it...vietnamese is not exactly the prettiest language. sometimes i just wanna punch her in the throat! i know i sound like a manic, but hang out with her for 5 minutes and tell me you dont feel the same.

so apparently deanna still reads this! /waves to dee
haha sorry i havnt kept you updated, but i dont wanna bug you about my problems all day. :) gonna help me take care of my kids yessss? miss future pediatrician, make sure i dont end up on the news...

so a randomass dude from ny imed me the other day with all these stereotypes of texas girls.
"yeah i used to think you guys all wore cowboy hats and wore red plaid shirts and stuff."
"damn...i actually have a shirt like that so i guess i cant say anything."
hahah im so hood..

another blank:
____ lied to me about having a gf and tried to 'holla' at me a while back. now that theyve broken up he wants to hang out again. thats guy code for get-in-your-pants.

hurts so good.

i want to get my nose fixed...preferably in korea. (im coming hyolee!)
boobs? thats a maybe...not really...
and i want veneers.

picky picky.

anyways, i think ricebunny is an idiot that cant dress. now shes putting up how-tos on how to dress...weee.
how to look like a retard:
"first pair black leggings with everything you own...preferably ugly long shorts. then take a beret you found at target and pair it with gaudy jewelry (can also be found at target). try to look trendy by using unmatching colors and always wear a huge ugly belt up to your stomach. this way youll look much shorter than you already are! OH and dont forget to top off your look with huge dark sunglasses so that when people see you on the street, maybe theyll think your blind so you have an excuse to put together such an atrocious outfit."

wow i been drinking lots of haterade lately. must be that time of the month....haha

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

talk play love

ah these anycall cfs are so catchy. talk play love doo doo doo...
i still think hyolee makes a better spokesmodel than boa though.

good news! i think someone has bought my old house in mesquite! yey for money. and more good news! my mom will probably be staying in vietnam a lot. probably half a year here and there. its awful to say thats good news cuz i love my mom, but im 20 years old(22 over not quite sure why) and i need my freedom dammit! so much that i was even considering moving out. im not sure how my brother will react to my living style at home though. (my clothes are flung everywhere in my room and i usually dont come home until about 4 or 5 in the morning.) he already addressed the issue and its up to me really. /sigh i still cant believe he thought i was on drugs haha. i was just drinking most of the time, but funny thing is i did e AFTER he accused me already.

so ive been giving my hair a vacation! thats right, i didnt pack my chi, curler or even blowdryer. hair products? negative. the outcome is hair that has a mind of its own! one day its straight, the next its wavy and all over the place. -_- well its my fault much dying and frying and chopping. kind of miss my healthy hair...not that i remember when it was healthy. i just know it wasnt this frizzy or crunchy sounding. but! i saw this hair color i really liked the other day. a sort of dark purple/red color. i really shouldn't... :x

i do love staying in vietnam though. no worries or cares and everyone is so chill. i think i would be so cute if i lived here haha. thinner and tanner thats for sure. ^-^

ah but staying in vietnam also means i have to deal with 'family' matters. i hate my dads side of the family. all of them. you would think in my familys time of mourning you would understand the situation and try to help us cope, but nay! everything is money money money to them. why the fuck would you want to steal whats rightfully ours? you guys are all fucking grownups and you greedy motherfuckers want to take whats left all for yourselves. they just saw my dad as a hugeass money sign. it makes me so sad to think that throughout my whole dads life he has helped his family and when hes out of the picture, they deny ever receiving any help from him. they all claim it to be their property. wtf. they all think were rich and well off (thanks to mybackstabbing uncle who spread rumors), but the truth is my mom is borrowing money like crazy. tomorrow morning im going to see my aunt for the first time since the funeral. i have never liked that bitch. honestly, even when i was 7 i hated going to my dads side. you would have to bribe me with all the cakes and fruits in vietnam to get me to spend 2 mins there. man..i am going to maddog like theres no tm. in the end...karmas the biggest bitch of us all.

i think i have a knack for seeing through fake people. i can tell whos being fake to my mom just to kiss ass, and i even tell her too. she just furrows her eyebrows at me and tells me to be polite even if i dont like them. and what happens? bam! couple months/years later they turn out to be a bitch afterall. same thing goes for my friends. thats why i am super picky about my close friends. after doing the lil sis thing, i cant stand to be around those types of girls. you know, the girls who act all cutesy in front of other (guys)people, but once its just girls you see them for the bitch they are. how do you live...really. its tiring going to the house and putting on my fake smile and pretending to like these people. i can last about...7 minutes being fake. of course some are much better at it (----) and some have zero tolerance (--). haha its like a game.

reminder to self once i get home:
-peach blush
-rock shorts
-oil change

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


i want to invest in a camera. i hope its one of those things i dont get stick of tho...

i heart viet foods (^-^)

Monday, March 10, 2008

so hot hot hot but i hear its snowing back at home...

how do i make these posts private?! anywhoo

the power has gone out in vinh long for another three days now, but thankfully its only during the day. its also has lead me to playing zelda on johnnys ds non-stop. the outcome? beating it...twice. its not fun once you know all the puzzles and dont get stuck anymore.

on a random note...i hearttt yuri! sooo cute! even mtv know its cuz they rarely show footage of the other two chicks. well jia is cute in her own way, but that other chick. maaaaaaaan.

so ive noticed my viet has been getting kinda rusty lately. one of those use it or lose it things i suppose.

so after countless days of thinking. ive decided perhaps its better to be single. eventhough i would love to have someone haha. i dont think im ready for relationships at all. first off, i am a dating pessimist(sp). i tend to always think that something will go wrong so i end it early before anything does happen. secondly, i have major trust issues. i have no idea why. ive never been cheated on and the guys i dated were super loyal to me. its hard for me to trust people because i consider myself to be an honest person and i expect the same back. once i get the courage to trust someone THEN i find out they lie(d) to me about the gayest things haha. [i wonder if gay ppl get offended when they overhear someone saying 'thats gay' when it has really nothing to do with being homo...prolly.] third! i get jealous easily. i hate it, but until i can get over these things i should probably stay away from relationships. hmm but how will i learn to get over it if i avoid it? no idea. its been so long since i really really liked someone genuinely. i think the last person was vil. vil years one and two. def not year three haha. i dont see how some ppl can develop feelings out of the blue so fast nowadays. now that i think about it...i never really like someone first. im always attracted to guys that already like me. maybe i should be more aggressive? iono everyone keeps saying 'i can do better.' can i reaaallly? haha who knows.

im really getting tired of listening to people. i dont know why everyones opinion matters so much to me but i should tune out the stupid ones and be like fuck off! ill do what i want! haha

the infamous blanks!

_____ can fuck whoever he wants to to make himself feel better, but we all know he cant do hotter hahah sucka.

_____ creeps me out...still. no i cant sleep with you if i dont have feelings for you so stop asking me to be your fuckbuddy.

_____ became one of my closest friends and i feel bad if i led him on in any way. i wish he didnt like me that way because all it does is ruin friendships. lost my trust after a couple recent events, and lately hes been getting on my nerves a tad...

_____ seems like a nice guy...but dude. stop being emo and sounding so desperate all the time.

_____ is one of the sweetest/nerdiest guys ever and apparently i did him 'wrong.' lies! haha but a great example of how feelings ruin friendships. now whenever i see him i always get bitter vibes from him. i miss talking to him tho.

_____ is also creepy in a ionlywanttosleepwithyouandthenleave way. sorry. we cant all be like a certain slut.

_____ is fun to hang out with cuz i know he would never have feelings for me so i know i never have to deal with that.
and thats the end of that chapter.

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

back from hiatus

i doubt anyone checks this anymore so this will be more of a personal blog for my entertainment. welp i believe this is my fifth day in vietnam once again. this has to be the most boring trip ever since everyone is either pregnant or taking care of the kids they already have. i dont blame them for having sex all the time cuz theres nothing else to do! haha well thats okay cuz i didnt really go here for fun anyways. ive been doing a lot of thinking. more than id like haha. should i move out? should i give him a chance? what the hell am i doing in school? a lot of emo staring out into the sky stuff haha. thank god for internet.

anyways, went to visit my dads my grave today. it's already been a year. its so weird that the last post on here we were all happy and on vacation in vietnam. i am so thankful that my family went when we did. i learned so much about my mom and dad's past and we actually connected as a family. :) happy times. i miss him so much. im reminded of it everytime i see a father with his little daughter walking down the street. such a cute scene. breaks my heart a little though haha. i still dont understand viet people and their obsession with taking pictures at the worse times. why would i want pictures and videos of a funeral? why would i want to take a picture of me smiling next to my dads grave? perhaps this is how they deal with it over here. bit of a culture shock to me still. i wonder if people think im sad about my dads passing. i always try to be strong and make light of the situation because i hate when things get toooo serious. should this be one of those situations where i should stop being independent? i didnt even go to my closest friends when the whole thing happened. it so weird once youre faced with a situation you react totally different than you would have thought. i thought i would have been more like 'fuck that bitchass motherfucker that killed my dad!" but its nothing like that. i dont feel any anger at all. not even revenge. its funny how people try to console you and cheer you up but it just makes things worse. my favorite response is silence. i also hated when someone brought up their own story of death...with like...their dog or something and try to compare. -_- the hell man haha. but i know everyone means well.

random: i think i have a burping problem...