Thursday, April 03, 2008

Back in your Head - Tegan and Sara

went on a date with one of the blanks. so cute yet so lame. what a waste! now he expects more dates and i just have to come up with better more believable excuses. ugh. he thinks hes so funny, but i cant even tell when hes making a joke. hes also one of those corny compliment overkillers. dont you have anything better to talk about then how hot you think i look? i would rather choose an ugly dude that can make me laugh.

i really need to find out whats wrong with my phone. samsung keeps blaming tmobile and visa versa. what to do...

phone --> new job ---> new tires

le sigh

Friday, March 28, 2008

home sweet home

oh how i have missed the good ol us of a. my flight was awful though. I was feeling nauseous the whole way and right when I make it to DFW airport...threw up the very few things I ate on the plane. It felt so good to be home tho! Except that....

1) my phone doesnt work.
2) family wont let me drive my car. (needs 3 new tires, new brakes, etc.)
3) my freedom is gone :[
4) i have to wait for a slut to get fired so i can work again.
5) my eyes are still pink from sleeping in contacts.

welp you cant win em all.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

thit cho? khong an!

quail fav
sea cucumber...edible

...but I draw the line at dog meat! I just can't help but to think of my favorite childhood pets and the thought of eating their fellow doggians just grosses me out. I wish my cousins would stop pressuring me to try it. /shakes fist

Wow. Just when I thought I had Buddhism all figured out, they bust out with some crazy ceremony that puts me back to square one. Never thought 87 year old ladies could move like that...much less balance a flaming paper house on their head while chanting and dancing.

Ahh...I know I said I was going to give my hair a vacation, know...stuff over here is just so darn cheap! I went for a nice dark shade of purple. Took them twice to get it right, but I like the outcome. You can barely tell unless I'm out in the sun. Howcome no one liked my brown hair? :[ i liked it...

I still don't know how Status Quo got more votes than Kaba Modern...we all know mi dangs don't vote...hahah i keed.

Only three more days! Then it's back to business!

Thursday, March 20, 2008


i got a very much needed facial yesterday. feels so goot! looks a lot better too. they should really ask what's your pain tolerance first though. my massage lady almost broke my hand off. then she tried to drown me in seaweed. and i swear at one point she was just slapping my head. a very dangerous place...

hmm i think im going somewhere far on not sure where, but apparently they have cheap fabric! my mom and aunts sure know how to party. -_-

mom: why dont you wear your earrings anymore?

me: they hurt when i sleep.

mom: be careful when you wear your jewelry or carry your purse. gold/cash's value has gone up so many people steal the point where they would cut off your hand just for a ring!!

me: O.O

mom: (calmly) should wear your earrings they look nice.

you is crazy mom.

oh. my. gah. i want this bag SO much....but its $3000!! T.T hu hu hu...(sobbing in viet). if anyone would like for me to be their slave for eternity and has an extra 3 grand laying around...please contact me.

Monday, March 17, 2008

i heart you pepto bismol :D

im finally feeling better and its all thanks to you pepto! /hugs. ill never experiment with any other medicine again! i took some pepto today and it made my tummy happy. i wish i had the liquid kind tho. i actually like the taste of it...but not so much to eat pepto bismol ice cream i saw online. bleeh!

you know what i noticed? vietnamese people love to eat skin, bones, cartilage, and all the organs americans usually throw away. i miss meat. T.T wheres the nutrition?!

you know what else? viet people have horrible manners! yes thats right. i, kim, the messiest eater alive, is calling someone out. im talking about not closing your mouth while you chew. and whats worse?! they love to talk while they chew. yes yes i can see it all. yup thats the piece of cucumber you picked up..and yup thats the piece of fish you just tore off..and how could i miss the huge clod of rice thats preventing you from pronouncing your 'b's and your 'd's. ah yes...very attractive indeed.

but on the other hand! waaaa guess what i bought today?

ALO pandas! uh his head looks a bit funny there. hahah these will have to do until i can get my hands on some real sweets.

man this laptop is cool. it has a built-in camera. im tempted to take it to cafes here cuz they have free wifi at most places, but i dont feel safe lugging it around. /eyes hobos.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

i need...

sweets! ive been eating so freaking healthy here, but i need my occasional sugar fix. viet ppl sure dont know how to make desserts. i can put peanuts, sesame seeds, and gooey yellow stuff together and call it 'candy' too. they can perfect 38923971 types of fish sauce, but all the cakes tastes the same...stale and bland. they say i threw up so much yesterday cuz of my liver, but i know what was the real sugar! *dreams of cheesecake from cheesecake factory, girl scout cookies, caramel apple pops, paciugo gelato, molten chocolate cake from chilis, etc etc.* whoever happens to be with me when i come back to satisfy my cravings is going to see something amazing.

i dont know what makes a monk that loses his moped keys funny...but it is! poor guy was searching all over the temple for em.

at another temple i went to a while back...
some big event was going on and i was just standing around with my crew(family members). some verrrrry mentally retarded guy(see Opie from family guy...yes he looked just like him) comes by and asks us for money. my cousin gave him 2000d just to make him go away, but then he asked for 10000d instead. greedy bastard! my other (annoying and old) cousin had to open her big mouth and was like omg we already gave you some and your asking for more blah blah.....and POOOOFFFTTT! he spit right in her face. he spent the rest of the time chasing her around...good thing he didnt move too fast. hahah and my cousin was hiding from him the whole time. my mom started crying cuz she was laughing so hard. i was like man is effed up. hahha

so linh reads this too! /waves

Saturday, March 15, 2008


so i been feeling crappy all day. DO NOT ever wake me up by tickling me. EVER! i realized today that is my biggest pet peeve. chi phuong came into my room today to take me to eat breakfast and i was not feeling well. i need my sleep damnit! breakfast over here is around waking me up is fine but tickling? is that really necessary? so i woke up in a super bad mood, but i wasnt sure if it was because of that or because i was feeling light-headed. i just wanted to go home and sleep, but of course the moped had to break down after we ate. -_- finally we came home and i went straight to bed. slept from 9-1 ate a lil then continued sleeping 3-6. i thought i was just bloated and so i took some maalox. so thats what pure evil tastes like. i thought it was antigas but i started burping like crazy and there was a gross chalky aftertaste everytime! disgusting. then i my skin started feeling really sensitive to touch...thats how i usually know im sick. and yep...just threw up a while ago. i have no idea what i have but it sucks ass...