Friday, March 14, 2008

all wrong!

so i hate that im too nice sometimes...i end up with bad haircuts. so i really needed to trim my bangs, but i found noooo scissors in the house. madness! but my cousins husband works a salon so i asked if i could borrow his scissors sometime. "oh! he can cut it for you! dont worry!" dont worry eh? so yea...language barrier and bam! straight across bangs. x_x *flashbacks of second grade* its okayyy now that I fixed it...people tell me its cute but i think theyre just being nice hahah. a bit short but ive had worse. (hopefully vy can fix it.)

i also visited one of my cousins today. she just had a baby so i went to go met the little baby boy...or girl. im still not quite sure. argh! i cant do it! no matter how much i try to find babies and kids cute i just cant! my 'awwws' are so forced and my 'how cutes' are all over the place! i was just staring at it for a while. def not a baby person...imma be a horrible mom :[ kudos to people who can take care of babies tho! i envy you! kids are a bit easier for me, but this ONE chick thoughts on her get violent. shes about 8 or 9 now, but she was so adorable when she was 3! what the hell happened?! shes so annoying, never listens, and her VOICE! i think thats the reason i would cut off my leg just to have something to hit her with. her voice is so high and shrill and her tones are just ahhhhh!!! and lets face it...vietnamese is not exactly the prettiest language. sometimes i just wanna punch her in the throat! i know i sound like a manic, but hang out with her for 5 minutes and tell me you dont feel the same.

so apparently deanna still reads this! /waves to dee
haha sorry i havnt kept you updated, but i dont wanna bug you about my problems all day. :) gonna help me take care of my kids yessss? miss future pediatrician, make sure i dont end up on the news...

so a randomass dude from ny imed me the other day with all these stereotypes of texas girls.
"yeah i used to think you guys all wore cowboy hats and wore red plaid shirts and stuff."
"damn...i actually have a shirt like that so i guess i cant say anything."
hahah im so hood..

another blank:
____ lied to me about having a gf and tried to 'holla' at me a while back. now that theyve broken up he wants to hang out again. thats guy code for get-in-your-pants.