Monday, March 10, 2008

so hot hot hot but i hear its snowing back at home...

how do i make these posts private?! anywhoo

the power has gone out in vinh long for another three days now, but thankfully its only during the day. its also has lead me to playing zelda on johnnys ds non-stop. the outcome? beating it...twice. its not fun once you know all the puzzles and dont get stuck anymore.

on a random note...i hearttt yuri! sooo cute! even mtv know its cuz they rarely show footage of the other two chicks. well jia is cute in her own way, but that other chick. maaaaaaaan.

so ive noticed my viet has been getting kinda rusty lately. one of those use it or lose it things i suppose.

so after countless days of thinking. ive decided perhaps its better to be single. eventhough i would love to have someone haha. i dont think im ready for relationships at all. first off, i am a dating pessimist(sp). i tend to always think that something will go wrong so i end it early before anything does happen. secondly, i have major trust issues. i have no idea why. ive never been cheated on and the guys i dated were super loyal to me. its hard for me to trust people because i consider myself to be an honest person and i expect the same back. once i get the courage to trust someone THEN i find out they lie(d) to me about the gayest things haha. [i wonder if gay ppl get offended when they overhear someone saying 'thats gay' when it has really nothing to do with being homo...prolly.] third! i get jealous easily. i hate it, but until i can get over these things i should probably stay away from relationships. hmm but how will i learn to get over it if i avoid it? no idea. its been so long since i really really liked someone genuinely. i think the last person was vil. vil years one and two. def not year three haha. i dont see how some ppl can develop feelings out of the blue so fast nowadays. now that i think about it...i never really like someone first. im always attracted to guys that already like me. maybe i should be more aggressive? iono everyone keeps saying 'i can do better.' can i reaaallly? haha who knows.

im really getting tired of listening to people. i dont know why everyones opinion matters so much to me but i should tune out the stupid ones and be like fuck off! ill do what i want! haha

the infamous blanks!

_____ can fuck whoever he wants to to make himself feel better, but we all know he cant do hotter hahah sucka.

_____ creeps me out...still. no i cant sleep with you if i dont have feelings for you so stop asking me to be your fuckbuddy.

_____ became one of my closest friends and i feel bad if i led him on in any way. i wish he didnt like me that way because all it does is ruin friendships. lost my trust after a couple recent events, and lately hes been getting on my nerves a tad...

_____ seems like a nice guy...but dude. stop being emo and sounding so desperate all the time.

_____ is one of the sweetest/nerdiest guys ever and apparently i did him 'wrong.' lies! haha but a great example of how feelings ruin friendships. now whenever i see him i always get bitter vibes from him. i miss talking to him tho.

_____ is also creepy in a ionlywanttosleepwithyouandthenleave way. sorry. we cant all be like a certain slut.

_____ is fun to hang out with cuz i know he would never have feelings for me so i know i never have to deal with that.
and thats the end of that chapter.