Monday, September 25, 2006

fun in the sun!

so we decided to be random and take pictures outside our apartment today since the weather was so purdy. its great living right next to the volleyball court and pool...except when stupid people decide to play until 12 at night. /shakes fist. haha i like me and linhs pool pictures. we just spontaneously hopped in fully clothed and soon found out just how cold the water was. haha check out our pool butt and thighs.

Monday, September 18, 2006

be my last - utada hikaru

these are not cool.

got it? good. if i see one more person sporting these atrocious shoes..mumble mumble..
anywho..i have two exams and a paper due tomorrow and im wasting away blogging.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

september is not for lovers.

someone remind me that september 15th is not a good day. seems like everyone is breaking up this month. something about breaking up during the fall and getting relationships in the spring. hmm anyway i have lots of exams to study for and yea. download yourself some snow patrol. currently listening to 'ways and means' by them. good stuff. hmm im sleepy...but i dont want to sleep...odd. man what a long fucking day. be over day! shoo shoo! youre not wanted.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

white chocolate is good for you!

my new white chocolate phone! hoo ha ha

me punching linh

linh playing on my ds

me kissing larry

deanna pigging out on wheat thins

hehe peeking on dee in our bathroom